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Sonora Economic Development Corporation - Homepage
307 East Oak St., Sonora, TX 76950
(325) 387-6280



Located at mile marker 400 on Interstate Highway 10, Sonora is exactly halfway between the Florida and California coastlines and exactly halfway across the State of Texas, between Beaumont and El Paso.  Sonora is situated on U.S. Hwy 277, and is a member of the coalition of communities developing the north/south Ports-to-Plains International Trade Corridor connecting the United States and our major trading partners, Mexico and Canada.  At the place where the rugged beauty of the Texas Hill Country meets the arid and mystifying Chihuahua Desert and where the Concho Valley nestles into the Edwards Plateau, Sonora is truly a unique location of unparalleled natural beauty and boundless economic opportunity.

Established in 1889 by the local ranching community, Sonora maintains its rich agricultural heritage while thriving on the valuable commodities beneath its surface:  Sutton County's rich natural gas reserves and an abundance of fresh clear water from the massive Edwards and Trinity Aquifers.

Sonora Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) supports all forms of community development and economic expansion projects and is facilitating an initiative adopted by the community in 2007... develop Sonora as a nature and heritage tourism destination.

Enjoy your next few minutes exploring our website and getting a glimpse of Sonora's heritage, vitality, and warmth and learning how SEDC can help you join our family, a small-town community of people with BIG-time dreams!


Set up an appointment today to visit with the executive director: